Social Media Manager

As social media manager, you tell the story of the movement for youth-led collective impact. You change hearts and minds. You bring new folks into the movement. You make people feel heard.

Role Description

Aims: What you do

  • Basics

    • Respond to and send messages
    • Create content
    • Follow and amplify other accounts
  • Advanced

    • Gather member voices and stories to share
    • Keep platform descriptions and links updated
    • Train others on how to hold the social media manager role

Domains: What you manage

  • Social media posts and messages related to your circles

Related Circles, Roles, and Policies

  • The communications circle sets overall policy and strategy

The First 30 Days

1. Join the communications community!

  • Reply to this post and introduce yourself as a social media manager :slightly_smiling_face:
  • Watch the #support-team:communications category
  • Get access to our accounts

2. Become an expert in the top how-tos and policies related to the social media manager role

3. Ask your circle to give you feedback

4. Update this post to make it even better for future social media managers


Be courageous about what we stand for

Present an image that’s in line with the standards and beliefs of the organization

Have the voice of everyone who is part of the movement be heard

Make sure the content that we put out is accurate - don’t want to put out things that are wrong, especially if we’re talking about topics that we’re not familiar

Be accessible (alt text, image descriptions, easily understood by everyone)

Be responsive to messages and comments

Have fun!

Ideas for Improving This Guide

Interview Social Media Managers to ask for tips
Transfer the policies to the Hub
Finish the Brand Book

@saf @JackieM @Carlee123 I moved the Social Media Manager role description you wrote to the Hub!

@jessizheng Here’s a draft Social Media Manager role guide that we created a while back. What would you add / change about this guide?