Write a Learning Library entry on Indigenous Leadership

Amazing video to draw from: Creating environments for Indigenous youth to live & succeed | Tunchai Redvers | TEDxKitchenerED

Some quotes that really stood out to me:

“Supporting youth means centering youth needs and voices. Nobody knows what a person needs most more than the person who needs it.”
“Learn about and understand the historic and present context of indigenous communities while acknowledging the hardships and barriers that indigenous youth face today.”
“Actively honor indigenous and youth strengths. This means directly asking youth what they need … Amplify the strengths and successes … What you choose to engage with, talk about, and share has a ripple effect.
“Support the indiginization of youth programs and resources. Invest in supports and resources that are specific to context and identity. Specifically resources that are rooted in tradition, land, language, and culture.”
“More importantly, accept indigenous and youth knowledge as expect knowledge. Hold those voices up.”

What are quotes and/or other resources that stand out to you?