URGENT: Help us create a list of all NYC Youth and Family COVID-19 Resources!

Hi! Our communities are mobilizing to support youth and families and we need a place for people to find all those resources!

I whipped up a list here: https://www.nycedu.org/covid19
Notice any resources missing, please add to it!
Know people who can contribute to the list and/or benefit from it? Share it widely!


@board-circle @online-forum-circle @2019-06-08-gathering

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Also, if anyone is into web design / social media — need your support creating assets to share this list widely!

This is AMAZING Deborah. Way to step into action! What kind of things are you looking for on the list? Hyper local resources re: access to food/mental health? Are you also looking for online learning assets? Lots of orgs are aggregating resources, might be helpful to share the aggregated lists here! Let me know what you think - happy to pass along what I’ve found.


Hyper local resources. Yes to mental health! We’re good on food — see bit.ly/foodhubnyc.

Please send aggregated lists of online learning assets! The best one I’ve seen yet is http://www.amazingeducationalresources.com/. I’ve emailed them to let them know we can help make that list sortable.

What have you found?

And yes to passing on what you’ve found. What would be best is also passing on the names / contact info of people who are managing those lists. I’ve also started an email chain with all those people so we can arrange ways to consolidate / de-duplicate / quality control, etc.

Want to be added to that email chain? Your contributions there would be amazing!
