On generosity: How might we live out our principle of well-capitalized, aim of mobilizing resources, and value of leading with love?

YPC’s principles, aims, and values all include generosity, resource sharing, mutual aid.

Principle: Well-capitalized, investing generously in community-led change
Aim: Mobilizing resources for youth-led collective impact efforts
Value: Lead with love: be a host / create joy / expand empathy / give and receive generously / liberation

Because “Values are 100% what you do and 0% what you say you do” (Mike B.), what are some ways you see generosity and mutual aid guiding how we act as we continue to build the foundations of Youth Power Coalition and of our greater movement for youth power?

An immediate thought that come to my mind include equally valuing contributions of time, talent, and treasure. Volunteers and financial contributors are all equally honored, for example, and people are not listed by tiers. Another thought that comes to mind is how we’re thinking of mobilizing resources, not just for Youth Power Coalition the organization, but again as members of the movement including partners. In the same way, we are transparent and secure in asking for what Youth Power Coalition the organization needs as well.

Finally, I’m inspired by this example from Standing Rock, the OCETI SAKOWIN CAMP, Seven Council Fires Camp, of how they lived out generosity. I’m incredibly curious about their checks and balances, as we know that the ability to be generous in many ways is also a source of power. How might we share in ways that promote equity and not power imbalances?


  • If you are with the camp on a short-term basis, we ask that you give more than you
  • If you have something to offer or share, including special skills, please check into
    the Volunteer Booth.
  • All community matters (ideas, needs, wants, donations) should be written down, and include your contact information, and taken to camp meetings for community agreement. This includes financial donations.
  • All supply and material donations should be taken to the supply tent. Please write down a list of the items you are donating, bring it to a camp meeting, and give it to the Finance Secretary for checks and balances.

What about you all? What are your thoughts?