A Offers and Needs Wall is an interactive activity that can be used at any event. People fill out a card that shares what they offer and what they need to fulfill a collective dream, post it on a wall, and respond to what other people posted.
Event in Action
We tested out our first Offers and Needs Wall at a Peer Defense Project Summit. Here’s the poster we put up! Note: We need to update the graphic so that next time, it’ll say offers firsts and needs second.
Image Description
Title: Needs Offers with arrows going between Needs and Offers in the shape of an infinity sign
Content: What is our shared dream for collective liberation? What do we offer and need to make that dream a reality?
- Fill out a offers and needs card and post it
- Respond to others’ offers and needs
- When you’re ready, take your card home! (We’ll also send a photo
By Youth Power Coalition, @youthpowercoalition, www.youthpowercoalition.org
Attached Example:
We are Youth Power Coalition.
We dream of young people having decision-making power everywhere from non-profit boards to city hall.
We need followers on Instagram @youthpowercoalition + recommendations for Board Treasurer
We offer a free session on intro to intergenerational decision-making
Contact us at hello@youthpowercoalition.org
Responses: followed! follow us back! @peerdefense
Host Your Own
Prepare the following
- Blank Offers and Needs Cards
- Template
- Print on different colored paper for extra fun!
- Poster with Directions (see above)
- Pens
- Painter’s Tape
- Advertisements to “Check Out our Offers and Needs Wall”
Post on a wall, leave the pens, cards, and tape somewhere where people can use them, and let the magic happen! Make sure to invite folks to post and respond to people as they engage.
Event Report
Did you host an event? Reply to this topic with what you did! We’re curious about any of the following:
- Photos/video
- What did you do differently?
- What went well? What could have been better?
- Who and how many attended?
- What impact did it have?
- How do you recommend updating this toolkit?
Ideas for Improvement
Create a virtual version
Update poster to show Offers first, then Needs
Remixed from the Offers and Needs Market: A method of revealing local wealth, rapidly deepening connections, and regenerating economies. Developed by the Post Growth Institute.
Created by @deborahchang and @saf of Youth Power Coalition
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