Design new default header image

We currently use a photo from the Youth-Led Collective Impact gathering a couple of years ago for our header on all of our platforms. Images below are screenshots for each platform.


Screenshot of Google Chrome (12-4-20, 12-14-23 AM)


Screenshot of Google Chrome (12-4-20, 12-15-08 AM)


Screenshot of Google Chrome (12-4-20, 12-15-45 AM)


Screenshot of Google Chrome (12-4-20, 12-17-40 AM)

And a couple more places, I’m sure.

I think it’s time to update it! An idea I have is to may be to keep with the people theme but instead of taking a picture at an event (because COVID), we make a collage of nice photos sent from coalition members. Like profile photos! We can intersperse these images with our logo.