Design Youth Power Hub Logo

@esepetia22 I’d love to add this request for you. Basically, this Youth Power Hub (this website) needs a logo! We have the Youth Power Coalition logo, of course, but the Hub is kind of like a product of the Youth Power Coalition and needs its own but related logo to help people differentiate between the general website and the Hub.

Are you up for it? Let’s choose something super simple, like find an image that already exists or write out Youth Power Hub in clear letters. What do you think?

Places to Use Logo

Youth Power Hub Slack App
Discourse Hub Video Upload Google Cloud Platform App
Youth Power Hub Branding Settings (though this may change slighting if we decide to use the Hub itself as our full website)
logo: Image on the top left (wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1)
logo small: The small logo image at the top left of your site, seen when scrolling down. Use a square 120 × 120 image. If left blank, a home glyph will be shown.
large icon: Image used as the base for other metadata icons. Should ideally be larger than 512 x 512. If left blank, logo_small will be used.
favicon: A favicon for your site, see Favicon - Wikipedia. To work correctly over a CDN it must be a png. Will be resized to 32x32. If left blank, large_icon will be used.
twitter summary large image: Twitter card ‘summary large image’ (should be at least 280 in width, and at least 150 in height). If left blank, regular card metadata is generated using the opengraph_image.

Logo Requirements

Have version and/or work for both the light and the dark theme
Be recognizably YPC

@esepetia22 Hi, could you share the YPC Hub logo files? I need to add it to our Slack app.

Hi, I spent some time playing around with the logo and have this new proposal!

Image Description: Both logos have the YPC Logo + HUB in bright orange letters + an icon showing a central circle connected out to six surrounding circles

Long Version

Square Version
HUB (5)

I used Emmanuela’s orange color theme, used the original YPC logo, and made the words fill up the whole space in order for the word Hub to be as large as possible so that it’s viewable.

Let me know if there are any objections, else, I’d love to decide that this is the good enough Hub logo to use and go ahead and document it.

Canva Link to Small Logo and System User Profile

Canva Link to Logo

Note: When we’re sharing this info, we need to document how to change it.

We now have a revised logo thanks to the good folks at maginative Design, sponsored by 4.0 Schools!

For access to our logos, see this shared drive: _ Logos

Next we need to write a logo use guide.