Change Name to Youth Power Coalition

Internal Comms

Software Accounts

Update G Suite

…. Combine and under same G Suite Admin

…. Request Google for Nonprofits

Update Discourse

Give DNS access to Sean

…. Rename subdomain (idea is

…. Move domains to

… … Pre-launch Migration Questionnaire

… … Move your Discourse Instance to a Different Server

… … Add Redirects

…. Change all references of #NYCEDU to Youth Power Coalition

…. Change Discourse admin accounts and emails

Update Slack

…. Make the owner of Slack

[] Update GitHub (ask Sean for details) We now do not use any custom code for our website and can likely restart a fresh Github if ever need it.

Update TechSoup

Directions to update TechSoup

We can accept your documents from the State! However, we also require the following:

A Name Clarification Letter - a letter composed on your organization’s letterhead that explains the difference between your requested name change and the name registered with TechSoup.

Required Outline of Your Name Clarification Letter

  • Composed on your organization’s letterhead ( if you do not have an official letter head, please list your organization’s name, address, and contact information in the header )
  • Your requested name change: Youth Power Coalition, Inc.
  • The organization name registered with TechSoup: NYCEDUORG, Inc
  • They are different because:
  • Contact information:

Attach your document in a reply to this email or fax it to 1-415-633-9444 .

If you need more help, be sure to read the FAQs at our Support page, find answers to your questions in our forums, or reply to this email. For information about resources available to your organization during the COVID-19 Outbreak, we encourage you to review our Resources for Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19 page.

Other Accounts

…. Update all existing accounts under any [email] account to appropriate [email] account




Propose Aims and Domain of Merger Helping Circle

  • Aim #1: Making proposals for how to merge #NYCEDU and Youth Power Coalition

  • Aim #2: Tracking and managing status of tasks needed to complete merger

  • Domain: Merger proposals

Nominate members and roles of members in the Merger Helping Circle

Add Merger Helping Circle to Mission Circle Agenda

Create Merger Helping Circle


Research Implications of Name Change Strategy (either DBA or Legal Name Change)

Ask and document feedback

…. The Lawyers Alliance: New York corporations are statutorily required to conduct activities under their true legal names; however, a corporation may conduct activities under a name other than its legal name by filing a certificate of assumed name with the Department of State. This can be an expensive process depending on the number of counties in which the entity does business or intends to do business in the state (New York City alone has five counties, and a fee is required for each county). Changing the legal name of the entity does not fall within the current scope of our engagement, so before we would be able to assist, we would need to discuss with our firm’s pro bono leadership and enter into a supplemental engagement letter

…. Flipcause: We recognize DBAs in the official name on the account. You can operate and list your name as the DBA for your campaigns but on the receipts sent to donors it would be listed as "NYCEDUORG dba Youth Power Coalition "

…. Chase Bank

…. ED Happy Hour

Research Costs

…. Cost of DBA

…. Cost of Legal Name Change

Create Resource Bank for Mission Circle members to review

Add Name Change Strategy to Mission Circle Agenda

Make final Name Change Strategy decision

Update Foundational Documents


Vision Sheet

File Legal Documentation

File certificate of amendment with NY State - $60

File CT-247 NY State Application for Exemption from Corporation Franchise Taxes by a Not-for-Profit Organization
Confirm CT-247 accepted

File ST-119 New York State sales tax-exempt status
Confirm ST-119 accepted

File with the IRS
Call IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Customer Account Services at (877) 829-5500 (toll-free number) to request an affirmation letter
[] Receive affirmation letter I give up. After many calls and letters, the IRS finally revised our name, to NYCEDUORG, Inc. Someone wasn’t paying attention :woman_facepalming:t2:. We’ll have an opportunity to finally change our name when we file our 990.


Internal Comms

Circle Structure

Organize Google Drive by Circles

Create Google Folders

Move historic documents into google Folders

…. Create policies for organizing and sharing Google Drive

Organize Discourse Categories by Circles

Organize Google Groups and Discourse Groups by Circles

…. Propose the purpose of Google Groups vs. Discourse Groups. We’ll use only Google Groups. We’ll help members of teams decide how to watch Discourse categories that make sense to them instead.

…. …. Experiment with Discourse Groups in calendar invites. Basically doesn’t work very well.

…. …. [] Remove minimum post length limitation of Discourse Groups

…. [] Create policies for creating circles in Google Groups and Discourse Groups This will naturally come up as a project in the future. Doesn’t need to block this particular epic.

…. Add members to the correct groups

…. [] Add groups to the correct Google Because we used a shared drive everyone on the team has access to every circle folder

…. [] Add groups to the correct Discourse Categories

…. [] Change Discourse Group post by email settings We’re not using Discourse Groups for circles

Organize Slack channels and groups by Circles

…. Add members to the correct channels and groups

[] Create policy for creating a new Circle in the Youth Power Coalition This is it’s own project. Doesn’t need to block this particular epic.

Transfer and/or Update Existing Content

[] Google Drive Documents, Slides, etc. This will happen naturally as we continue to create documents. We’ll eventually find out whoa, that information needs to move over.

Google Photos

Discourse Posts

External Comms

Formalize External Comms Circle

…. Propose Aims and Domains

…. Nominate for Circle Roles

…. …. Leader(s)

…. …. Facilitator(s)

…. …. Secretary(ies)

…. Set regular meeting times

Finalize logo

…. Check usage rights of image

…. Flip bottom fists so fist of person of color is on the inside and therefore not likely to be cut off

[] Write mission statement This will likely come up again in governance and/or external comms


…. Announce Name Change to Newsletter Subscribers

…. Change all references to #NYCEDU to Youth Power Coalition

…. Add Youth Power Coalition Convening contacts to Newsletter


…. Change Facebook Page to Youth Power Coalition

…. Update logo, description, website, etc.


…. Change LinkedIn Company to Youth Power Coalition

…. Update logo, description, website, etc.


…. Change @nyceduorg to @youthpowercoalition

…. Update @nyceduretweets to point to @youthpowercoalition

…. Update logo, description, website, etc.


…. Update logo, description, website, etc.


…. Rebrand as Youth Power Coalition

…. [] Add new Social Media accounts This will come up again in a dedicated website redesign project. No need to block here.


Approve Budget


…. Submit IRS Determination letter

…. Change all references to Youth Power Coalition, especially receipts

Change website preview

…. Change financial deposit straight into Youth Power Coalition Bank Account

Change Waiver info

…. Update campaign information

Bank Account

Withdraw from 4.0 Schools Fiscal Agency Agreement

I just got TechSoup updated. Whoot!

This Google Sheet has the responses for the two NYS forms we need to fill out. It will also have the official statements on assets, liabilities, reciepts, and expenditure that we have to attach.

@michael We now have our ST-119 NY State Exempt Organization Certificate! It’s in the 2021 Name Change folder.