Apply for 501(c)3 Status

I’m using this document to track what needs to be done to receive 501©3 status

See How to Start a Nonprofit Organization in New York for the full guide and ArtsPool on overall compliance.

Submit a project request to the Lawyer’s Alliance
Review with former Bylaws
Receive sign-off from our lawyers

Adopt conflict of interest policy
Receive sign-off from our lawyers
Write disclosure statement wrapped up with annual board paperwork

Register with NY Charities Bureau
Add language about being registered only in NY

File CT 247 with NYS

File IT 119 with NYS

Change fiscal year by filing Form 1128 Filing our 501c3 with Bylaws stating that our fiscal year ends on June 30th was enough

Figure out how to get an exemption for New York State law that board members must be 18+ ← Laws require that we have only one director at least 16 years old. When we work on the Policies and Procedures document, we’ll figure out a way for more than one youth leader to have consent rights
Ask IntegrateNYC for how they do it ← IntegrateNYC didn’t pursue an exemption. We’ll need to ask The Lawyer’s Alliance.

We got our IRS Determination Letter this past year!

Here’s a photo of me being so excited that I opened the envelope with the letter immediately in the lobby of our building. I didn’t even go inside my apartment, first.


I’ve moved this to done, closed, and archived because we’ll hopefully never need to do this again.