2021 Ben & Jerry's Grassroots Organizing Grant

The National Grassroots Organizing Program offers one-year general operating support grants of up to $30,000 to non-profit grassroots organizations throughout the United States.

The guiding principle behind this program is our belief that people most affected by a problem are in the best position to determine the solutions. We will consider proposals from grassroots organizations that are working to help themselves and their communities create broad systems change through community organizing and movement-building efforts.

We prioritize organizations that are led by and center the leadership and agency of Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color in their efforts to dismantle systems of oppression and the legacies of white supremacy culture in this country while working toward a more just and equitable society.

We define grassroots organizing as collective action from the bottom up. It challenges the status quo, demands changes in policy and practice, educates communities about root causes, and advocates and agitates for systemic and just solutions. True progressive change occurs only when underlying, systemic forces are understood and addressed. We firmly believe that grassroots, constituent-led organizing is among the most effective means to create social change.

My impression was that this grant was for organizations that were further along in their formation and so decided not to apply.